We make things, and put them here and there. We thought it’d be nice to have a single space for all of them, so we made one.
Pulling Cable (III)This has content advice.This is not safe for work.
Pulling Cable (II)This is not safe for work.
Pulling CableThis is not safe for work.
(yes, there's such a thing as pull lube)
(a serial gay as hell solarpunk space opera)
If the Priest's Daughter Cleave Also unto a Stranger —This has content advice.This is not safe for work.
(a Lovecraftian pirate romance)
A Question of Sin and Grace
(a short, from a long long time ago)
Night PatrolThis has content advice.This is not safe for work.
(a usual interlude in an unusual life)
"Wanna try being eaten?" This has content advice.This is not safe for work.
(inspired by this loveliness)
whenThis is not safe for work.
(like all my poetry, accidental)
Pulling Cable (III)This has content advice.This is not safe for work.
Pulling Cable (II)This is not safe for work.
Pulling CableThis is not safe for work.
(yes, there's such a thing as pull lube)
500 words: "Hive" This has content advice.
500 words: "Gods of Paradox"
(taking it seriously hasn't done a damn bit of good, so here, have this instead)
500 words: (probably) not today (or yesterday) (again)
500 words: not today (or yesterday) This has content advice.
500 words: "Pain" This has content advice.
(yes i know i stole the line, but what the hell? it's a great line)
500 words: "Curtains" This has content advice.
500 words: "bleurgh (redux)"
500 words: "Scape"
500 words: "They're Made Out of Meat"
(—not to praise, but—)
500 words: "bleurgh"
500 words: "Tails"
(really, who wouldn't aspire to be the Kurosawa of furry porn)
500 words: "On a Jet Plane"
(both more, and considerably less, autobiographical than I would prefer)
500 words: "Consulting Hauntologist"
(this deserves more than i can give it right now)
500 words: behind you
(don't look)
500 words: (not) one of those days
500 words: "Modernism"
(polemicism should at least be elegant, this is like something i'd have written in high school)
500 words: "Tails"
(ah. this must be that express elevator to hell i've been looking for)
500 words: "Phoebe"
500 words: "Instanced Dungeon"
(i did say i made no promises about quality)
500 words on "500 words on anything"
(in which it becomes clear that, as was known in days of old, it is time to make the donuts)
Semiotic Standard: the icons from Alien
The Solar System: A Transit Map
Thoughts on wanting to go back...This has content advice.
Hey Lexie, why do old people tell so many dumb stories?This has content advice.
Fragment №. 45This has content advice.
("What happens when you die?")